Real Dating Advice For Men: It’s Not What You Think
A lot of guys spend a lot of time using dating tips that they get from friends, family or self-proclaimed experts.
Unfortunately, some of these dating tips for men, aren’t really all that helpful.
The dating scene is constantly changing, and that means that the advice that you take on how to meet women should also constantly be changing. There is no timeless dating advice.
You should always be looking for new ways to improve your game. Think of dating advice as technology. Every couple years it transforms to meet certain needs.
The dating advice that you use, should always be as current as possible.
Also, it should work for you. Certain types of advice may work for one guy, while it may not work for others. This is purely just a matter of finding an approach to dating that jives with your personality.
These are really the most important criteria to look for when you’re taking dating advice. The biggest problem is that there is so much bad advice out there to filter through.
This makes it hard sometimes to start learning, but soon you’ll be able to discern bad dating advice from good dating advice almost instantly, and only use the tips that help you improve your dating life.
Dating Tips For Men: A Crash Course
If you’re new to it, dating can be extremely stressful. Like anything new, it’ll take some time for you to get good at it.
However, the beginning can be a little discouraging, especially when you aren’t getting the advice you need.
There’s a lot of good information out there, but a lot more bad information. Usually, bad information follows the same pattern. It’s rushed and usually doesn’t take female psychology into consideration.
Good dating advice usually breaks down the entire process from start to finish, and takes both male and female wants and needs into consideration.
In short, good dating advice should meet the following criteria:
- It should be fully comprehensive
- It should be based on empirical evidence
- It isn’t overly complicated
- It should spark real attraction
Good dating advice, above all else, creates an attraction that you can literally feel. It’s a lot more gratifying when the girl is chasing you just as much as you’re chasing her.
You should never feel like you’re convincing a girl to like you. Good dating advice doesn’t involve pleading, begging or coaxing. It makes the process rewarding, and you can actually see it work.
Date Tips: What To Do On The Big Night
Let’s say you get a girl to come on a date with you.
You might think that you’ve already done all the work you need to do, but the reality is that things could go horribly wrong if you don’t know how to do dates properly.
The key is to keep things exciting. A lot of people just go for drinks, or out to eat, but this doesn’t really require a lot of thinking or planning. If you want a girl to enjoy herself, get creative.
Find an activity, or do something outside. The idea is to set yourself apart from other guys.
Dating is competition-based, and if you aren’t any better than the last guy who took her out, she’ll forget you pretty quickly.
Conversation is also key. You never want to interview your date. Don’t ask superficial questions. Ask her deep, thought-provoking things that will make her think.
Not only will she have to pay attention, but she’ll see that you’ve got some depth too.
It’s true that a date is a way of getting to know one another, but asking boring questions isn’t the way to accomplish this. It’s more about showing a girl who you are, rather than telling her.
Online Dating Tips For Men
Whether you like it or not, online dating is part of the scene nowadays. Some people prefer not to use it, while others get into it pretty heavily.
Chances are you’ll find yourself on a dating app sometime during your time exploring the dating scene. Just like anything else, there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way.
You never under any circumstances want to send any messages that are creepy, or overtly sexual right out of the gate. In the same way you wouldn’t walk up to a girl that way, you want to ease into things.
It’s a lot easier to come off as creepy on the internet, because so much is lost in translation when a person is only reading a text vs. seeing you in person.
Tone is a huge part of game, and that’s why it’s important to be extra careful online.
You might want to work on your writing skills. The more evocative you can be on your dating profile, and in your messages, the better off you’ll be on a dating app.
Not being able to find the right words can really knock you down a few points.
Relationship Advice For Men: It’s Circumstantial
Let’s say you’re already in a relationship and you aren’t quite sure how to navigate it. It may surprise you, but this is totally normal. Every relationship is different, and your approach to it will vary as well.
It may not be easy to know when it’s time to get out of a relationship, but it’s definitely easy to know when one is going well. A good relationship usually meets a few basic criteria:
- The person makes you happy
- You think about them when you’re apart
- The sex is good
- You find yourself imagining them as part of your life in the future
Some of these things may seem a little too basic, but usually, everything else can be worked out if this stuff is dialed in.
No relationship will be without arguments or disagreements, but they’ll be easier to overcome.
Most relationship advice is too general, and doesn’t take into account people’s individual circumstances. The best advice to navigate a relationship is to treat it as something different from everyone else’s.
Try to analyze it for what it is, and if there’s a problem, fix it in a way that is specific to you and your girlfriend. This is the best relationship advice there is. Generalizing won’t get you anywhere.
Dating Tips: When You Don’t Need Them
The goal for every guy should be to become proficient enough at dating that he doesn’t need tips anymore.
They’re fine in the beginning, because they give you a little bit of stability when you’re trying something new.
But eventually, you want good habits to become automatic. You don’t want to have to rely on advice or tips from other people to meet women.
It should just be habitual. In fact, you should find yourself doing it even when you aren’t trying.
Your dating approach will start to be specific to you, and then you’ll be the one doling advice to newbies.
When this happens, you know you’ve gotten good because you don’t need to listen to other guys. Women just sort of flock to you.
Getting good at game takes a long time, and a lot of guys are only into it for the ego boost. The reality is that when you get to a high level of proficiency in dating, ego is the last thing you care about.
You have nothing to prove, and therefore don’t need to take advice from people who might still want to prove that they’re gurus or something like that.
Just get out there, use the good advice, and keep developing a method and approach that works for you.

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