Place To Meet Women: Everywhere And Anywhere
Generally speaking, you can meet a woman anywhere.
If you’re looking to meet girls, you shouldn’t use your location as an excuse. Women are literally everywhere and outnumber men two to one.
Where you live shouldn’t stop you from meeting a girl, or going on dates.
However, it will affect the type of woman that you meet. Meeting your type can definitely be affected by your location, or the places that you go to socialize.
Single women can be found anywhere, but the type of single woman you’re looking for depends on where you look.
If you live in the middle of nowhere, and you’re both the only single people for miles, your choices will be slim.
However, in a big city, there are literally endless options for meeting women. You could theoretically go on a date every night for a week if you put the time in.
Of course, we do live in a time where it’s possible to meet girls online, but if you meet a girl who lives halfway across the country, you’ll have to travel, and it may not end up being worth it.
And even worse, you may end up getting catfished.
How To Meet Single Women Who Are Your Type
Before you go out and start trying to meet women, you have to figure out what your type is. If she’s a high-maintenance club girl and you live in Nebraska, you might have to think about relocating.
On the contrary, if your dream girl is a quiet girl next door type and you live in a city, you might want to consider moving.
Single women are everywhere, but a high-value guy doesn’t just go for single women. He goes for single women that he wants.
Going after any girl is sort of desperate and doesn’t really fulfill your basic needs of companionship. The bottom line is you shouldn’t settle on the first girl you meet.
If meeting someone is a priority, and you’ve tried to meet local women with no success, start branching out and expanding your horizons. You may not meet the perfect woman, but you very well might meet someone close if you start looking in other places.
The idea is not to just date a woman based on your proximity. Travel, move, or start hanging out in different parts of your neighborhood.
You’ll be surprised at how different the results of your interactions are after some exploring.
Where To Meet Girls: The Basics
Despite the fact that your type will dictate where you look for women, there are a few basics. Regardless of the type of girl you want to date, you’ll probably end up sticking to social venues.
There are dozens of social events, but the best ones to meet women are usually the following:
- Bars
- Concerts
- Outdoor Festivals
- Weddings
All of the above social gatherings should already be familiar to you. Weddings may seem like a cliché, but they’re one of the few clichés that actually hold true.
It’s not that women are turned on by marriage; it’s that a wedding is basically a big party, and it is way easier to socialize when people are having fun.
The same goes for the other venues. Bars, concerts and festivals are places where people are generally in a good mood, and are there for a good time.
Going up to a chick while she’s grocery shopping or at the gym is hit or miss. She may want to be approached, but she also might not.
If you choose the right place, your chances of success will be way higher. That being said, there is no master list of the best places to meet women.
You can technically meet women anywhere, but you want to maximize your chances of your encounter being successful. That’s why you need to go to the right places.
Is It A Good Idea To Meet Girls Online?
Generally speaking, meeting girls online is okay, but it isn’t always so simple. There are a lot of risks involved, and sometimes people aren’t always who they say they are.
Also, you may not believe it, but sitting around on your computer or phone all day can actually hurt your real life social skills.
Sometimes girls may not really care what you say, as long as your pictures are good.
This is great for a one night stand, but when it comes to actually finding a girl to date, it’ll hurt you more than it’ll help. Plus you may end up traveling further than you want to.
You’ll have a much better time if you try to meet local women. It’ll help you sharpen your social skills and, for the most part, you won’t have to worry about someone being who they say they are.
Plus, human beings are built to interact in person, not through a screen.
If you choose to meet girls online, just use it as a supplement to your in-person encounters. Don’t make it the focal point of your entire dating life.
It can get addicting, because it’s easy, but if you’re looking for something serious, it may be a better idea to go out and actually talk to a real human being.
It’s Not Enough To Just Talk To Single Women
Just because a woman is single, doesn’t mean she’s going to be interested.
You can’t go to a bar full of women that you aren’t going to get along with, just like a vegan can’t go to a steakhouse for dinner.
I’m not comparing women to steak, but what I’m saying is it’s all about preference.
Single women are everywhere—no question there. But you have to know what you like before you venture out and start approaching them.
Ask yourself the following questions before choosing a location, or even a city to meet women in:
- What are my hobbies and interests?
- Do I like to be in charge, or follow her lead?
- What am I attracted to physically?
- What kinds of girls have I dated in the past?
You can always use your past experiences as a reference for what you like. Some would say that’s the point of dating.
If you’ve had success with a certain type, keep that in mind when you go places to meet new women.
Expand Your Horizons, Meet More Women
Sometimes guys get good at meeting the same kind of girl. They go to the same bars, same towns, and same venues, and usually end up meeting a girl.
However, when it comes time to actually date a girl, they find that they have very little skills.
They’ve pigeonholed themselves because they’ve gotten comfortable. They may have gotten laid a lot, but most of these encounters are short-lived.
If you are the kind of guy that knows how to attract a specific type of chick, but can’t see yourself dating her, it might be time to expand your horizons.
Go to a new country, talk to a girl who looks different than what you’re used to. It can’t ever hurt to try something new, especially if you’re looking for a meaningful connection.
If you’re just having fun and want to hook up with a lot of girls, then don’t worry about broadening your social horizons for now.
However, if you’re looking for a girl to date long term, or a girlfriend, you might have to venture out of your comfort zone a little bit.
In the long run, you’ll be glad you left town for a little while, because you just might meet the chick you’ve been looking for.

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