Guys Everywhere Are Being Forced To Take Their Girl’s Instagram Pics
Your life is different when you’re in a relationship to say the least.
I’m sure you’re well aware at how certain aspects of your life completely change once you’re in a fully committed, monogamous relationship.
Your life goes from being all about ‘me’ and becomes more about ‘we’.
Going out is no longer about going to chase girls with your boys.
Relationships are more about the connection between you and the new partner you have in your life and trust me things do change when you’re there! For instance, the friends around you subtly change, and even your confidence levels will gradually increase.
It’s not just the major things that change, but it’s also the mundane things when you’re in a relationship.
The little things like taking pictures and going shopping with your girlfriend, that is essentially the concept of the new Instagram “Boyfriends Of Instagram” that has recently gone viral.
Here are a few of the highlights.
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