4 Reasons Valentine’s Day Is The Most Overrated Holiday Ever
It’s right around the corner and everyone is anxious to see what their partner is going to pull out of the hat this year for Valentine’s Day. Last year Americans spent around $19.7 billion on their beloved valentines.
The average customer shopping for chocolates, roses and dinner reservations spent around $147.
It’s a huge day for restaurants, florists, and greeting card companies as the Valentine vultures look for a table at the most expensive restaurant, a last minute bouquet of roses, and the perfect piece of overpriced folded paper.
The origins of this holiday actually date back to ancient Rome. The Romans, from Feb. 13 to 15, would celebrate the feast of Lupercalia to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility.
Romans would binge drink while naked, sacrifice a goat and a dog, and whip women with the skins of the animals they had just slain.
Yeah, I know Valentine’s Day has a whole new meaning now, doesn’t it? Does that sound like love to you? No, it’s sick, twisted and not cool. Here are a couple of reasons why I think Valentine’s Day is overrated.
It’s an evil marketing scheme
Billions of dollars will be spent on going out, jewelry, flowers, candy, and greeting cards this year as 50 percent of Americans celebrate this loving holiday.
In 2016 a whopping $4.5 billion was spent on jewelry, $4.4 billion on an evening out, and $1.9 billion on flowers. Get ready to dig deep into your pockets and spend your hard earned money.
Hypnotizing ads will lure you in this year to buy some corny edible fruit arrangement. Watch the prices of roses, teddy bears, and chocolates almost double just for one day this year, just to be sold for half the cost on Feb. 15.
It’s materialistic
A relationship based on one day where you have to buy something for your partner is not a good one.
Even though many people will be happy this year when they receive a heart shaped box of chocolates or a flower arrangement that looks like a swan there will also be a lot of broken hearts.
Even though it is supposed to celebrate love, Valentine’s Day will be the cause of a lot of break ups. 53 percent of women will end their relationship because they didn’t get something.
She probably has more than one Valentine, bro…
Don’t play yourself! If you’re not going steady with anyone, why would you spend money on someone who probably has 10 other valentines lined up?
We all know people who are single tend to have more than one Valentine.
That special present you bought exclusively for your Valentine will be posted on Snapchat next to the rest of presents they got from desperate suitors trying to win their heart.
It’s either that or it will be sitting somewhere in storage collecting dust.
Everyday should be Valentine’s Day
Why celebrate the love you have for your partner just one day out of the year? I think you should always be doing nice things for the people you love.
You don’t have to buy an expensive piece of jewelry or some four foot teddy bear to show that.
Just spending time with that special person and showing them that you care goes a long way. At least for me, I try to remind my girlfriend of how much I love her every single day, how beautiful she is, and that she is the only one that has my heart.
My girlfriend and I are actually not spending Valentine’s Day together this year, but it doesn’t make a difference because every day with her is like Valentine’s Day to me.
Just stay at home, cook a meal, and watch a ton of Netflix. Remember this, it is love that conquers all, not some red box from CVS.

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