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Study Finds Psychoactive Component In Mushrooms Can Help Terminally Ill

Study Finds Psychoactive Component In Mushrooms Can Help Terminally Ill

BY Staff

Study Finds Psychoactive Component In Mushrooms Can Help Terminally Ill

The struggle that many terminally ill patients go through is a road of nerve-rending, soul-crushing defeat.
Beyond the difficult task of treating physical afflictions, medical experts globally have to tend to the instability of the mental state of patients who religiously live under the constant dread and terror of mortality.
However, radical new advancements in the field of alternate medical treatments towards patients mental well-being may revolutionize how we approach mental health in the future.
Researchers at John Hopkins University have published their findings in the Journal of Psychopharmacology on their trials involving the compound Psilocybin in cancer treatments.
Psilocybin, a psychedelic compound found in mushrooms, is monumentally effective in relieving the depression and anxiety found in nearly 80 percent of their patients with advanced symptoms.
Despite a hardline stance by the federal government against the research of psychotropic components towards medical purposes after the 1960’s, recently had been given more leeway towards medical experimentation in the wake of the implementation of medicinal cannabis towards cancer treatments.
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, between 30 to 40 percent of all patients experienced cancer-related anxiety disorders – disorders that doctors agree can drastically affect the effectiveness of their treatments.
Psilocybin has been a long time subject of analysis by medical researchers. In 2011 John Hopkins conducted a similar experiment into the effects the compound had on the habits that long-term smokers had, finding that the introduction of Psilocybin had actually broken the addictive hold nicotine had on some of the participants.
Currently, it’s unclear how the compound directly affects the onset of anxiety and depression, and the treatment isn’t available commercially, however, the promising results provided paint a glimpse of how we can use alternative methods of treating cancer and other terminal diseases.
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