How To Pickup Women Like A Real-Life Wedding Crasher
There’s a reason Wedding Crashers is such a great movie. Sure; it has a good cast, some good writing and is generally well-produced.
But there’s something else about it that sticks with people more than its happy ending. It’s the rulebook.
Throughout the film, both characters are constantly mentioning a list of rules that apply to their seasonal foray into picking up women at weddings.
The movie is twelve years old, but people still quote the rulebook, sometimes as a joke and other times because it actually applies.
But why am I going on about a movie that’s twelve years old? What does it have to do with actual pickup?
Well, regardless of the efficacy of the rulebook, the central truth to Wedding Crashers is that weddings are a goldmine for picking up girls.
When you really break down what a wedding is, it’s a very fancy party filled with single people, some of which, specifically the girls, don’t want to be single anymore.
Every girl dreams about the one day that she gets her own wedding, so being at one amps up those feelings of wanting to meet someone.
Just by this fact alone, you’re already ahead of the game as a guy.
No one is saying that you’re going to meet your wife at someone else’s wedding, but you could meet a girlfriend, or maybe just someone to make your date for the night.
The point is, the wheels are already set in motion by the occasion; all you have to do is capitalize.
So how you do maximize your success? There are a lot of things you can do at a wedding to get yourself noticed by the dozens of single girls that will be there.
The first thing to remember is to not make the night about you.
Even though it’s perfectly okay to try to meet a girl at a wedding, you still should respect the people who are getting married.
You don’t want to come off like a freeloader or someone who is on the hunt because it will lower your level of attraction.
The key to gaming a wedding is to have as much fun as possible and bring other people into that level of enjoyment.
For example, there’s a good chance that there will be assigned seating, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay anchored to your table all night.
Get up and walk around, introduce yourself to everyone, tell some stories about how you know the bride and groom. Be a little cheesy about it if you have to.
The key is to just be sociable and try to make a good impression on as many people as possible.
In any social gathering, the guy who meets the most people and has the most fun is always seen as attractive.
Remember, girls are already on the prowl at these kinds of events, so they’ll notice if you’re shaking hands and laughing with everyone like you’re running for president.
The second most important thing to be aware of is the layout of the wedding. Is it one room, or is there an outdoor section? Where is the bar? The restrooms? The photo booth?
Being aware of the layout gives you a heads up when it comes time to decide where you’re best suited to make your approaches or start your conversations.
Maybe you’re not a dancer, and the dance floor isn’t for you. Hang out by the bar, or on the patio if there is one.
Also, a quick note on dancing at a wedding. A wedding reception is not a club; you won’t be able to get away with the same stuff, and being too aggressive will make for an uncomfortable situation.
There are going to be girls your age there, but there are also going to be families, grandparents, and kids, so it’s best to err on the side of caution.
In any case, know the venue inside and out, and hang out where it suits you best.
Another thing to consider is the plans for after the wedding. Find out if there’s an after party, and see if the girl you’ve been talking to is going.
If there isn’t one, suggest it. The bride and groom don’t have to join, but there’s no reason you and a few of the other attendees can’t cab it to a bar nearby and keep the fun going.
This gives you an opportunity to keep vibing with a girl you met in an environment that is less formal than the actual wedding.
Essentially, you’re taking a wedding and turning it into a regular night out, in which the normal rules apply. Here, you can go for the make out, the hookup, or whatever the mood yields.
In fact, bouncing to a separate location is practically essential if you’re planning on getting laid.
Sure, it would be a good story if you got laid in the coat room, but this is real life. Stuff like that happens once in a blue moon, so don’t bank on it.
The last thing you want to do is part with your new girl on bad terms. Offer to see her again no matter what.
Remember, this is someone who knows the same people as you, and the last thing you want is to get a reputation as a womanizer or a guy who bangs and bounces.
Again, no one is saying that you have to officially date a girl if you sleep with her after a wedding, but you also have to be aware of the effect it will have on your friends.
Be as gentlemanly as possible, while still making it clear that you’re interested and setting yourself up for a successful night.
So, that’s it. Summer is over, but the fall is usually jam-packed with weddings of couples who want to get it in while the weather is still nice.
If you get invited, go and celebrate, but also be on the lookout for an opportunity to meet a chick.
It’s a wedding, and chances are, she’s hoping for the same thing.

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