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Ghosted?! The Real Reason Why She Disappears On You (Video)

Ghosted?! The Real Reason Why She Disappears On You (Video)

Getting “ghosted” by a woman is one of the absolute worst feelings ever.
But, what exactly is “ghosting”?
Physchology Today defines ghosting as,

“(Ghosting) Is having someone that you believe cares about you, whether it be a friend or someone you are dating, disappear from contact without any explanation at all.”

No call, no text, no show, a ghost. This can be extremely devastating.
In fact, according to mental health professionals, ghosting is a new form of “mental cruelty”.
You’re probably thinking mental cruelty is a little bit of an exaggeration but it may actually be on point because according to Psychology Today,

“Social rejection activates the same pain pathways in the brain as physical pain. In fact, you can reduce the emotional pain of rejection with pain killer such as tylenol.”

In addition to the physical, being ghosted can also have severe mental stress and anguish that isn’t an easy fix.
Being “ghosted” causes you to question yourself, the relationship, and even your self-worth. Common questions you’ll have for yourself include but aren’t limited to:
What did I do to cause this?
Why didn’t I see this coming?
How do I protect myself from this happening again?
That’s why this week we’ve hit the streets to ask women about ghosting.
We want to know if they’ve ghosted anyone and why they’ve ghosted?
While out and about, we stumbled across some pretty interesting stories and heard some very enlightening answers.
While, some of the women in this street poll admitted to ghosting on at least one of their partners, a handful of others said no.
Most answered yes when asked if they have ever been ghosted on themselves.
So why do women, and men, ghost? We asked. Ironically, the number one response was that they didn’t want to hurt their former partner’s feelings.

“You gotta suck it up,” one woman summed it up best.

It’s true, it’s tough breaking up with someone you care about, but you’re doing them a severe disservice if you ghost on them.
Relationships, even platonic ones, require open and honest communication.

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