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Melissa Riso: Behind the Scenes of Average Joe

Melissa Riso: Behind the Scenes of Average Joe

We were so absolutely thrilled here at The Social Man to have had the opportunity to work on our premiere video, The Average Joe, with one of the hottest actresses on the scene right now: Melissa Riso.

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The actress and model has graced the cover of high-end magazines and has even starred in music videos for countless musicians.

Her behind the scenes video is killer, but we just had to know more about the Californian beauty. Check out our exclusive with her about dates, turn-ons, and confidence. (You’re welcome, guys!)

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1. At TSM, we believe that confidence is one of the most important traits a man can develop. You have to have a certain level of confidence to be an actress. Is that something you’ve always had, or did it develop over time?

I definitely had to develop it over time. Over the years as I got more experience and took more acting classes I learned a lot about how to build confidence. Meeting new people has also really helped me.

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2. You shared in your BTS interview the worst pick up line a man has used on you, but do you think pick up lines can ever work at all or do you think guys should ditch them altogether?

*Laughs* No pick up lines ever work, so drop them, guys! Girls are smarter than that and can tell when you just used the same rehearsed lines on everyone. We can see through the bullsh*t. I know it’s hard, but try your best to act natural and really get to know the girl. That’ll work better than lines. 

3. You’ve worked with a lot of big musicians— Chris Brown, T.I., E 40, Travis Barker, Pharrell Williams. Which musician do you think was the most charismatic? Why?

Definitely Chris Brown because he’s so talented. Most people only have one image of him as a musician, but they don’t see his real talents. He actually does a lot more than his music; he also does graffiti art. Talent is incredibly sexy. It makes a guy interesting.

4. Your character in the TSM video was pretty forward with Joe. Have you ever approached a guy you were interested in? How’d that go?

*Laughs* I actually have never blatantly hit on a guy before. I’m actually pretty shy so if there is someone I find attractive, I tend to talk to a guy like he’s just a friend because I’m so nervous, and I hope he’ll make the first move.

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5. What is the biggest mistake you think men make when approaching women?

Bragging really just gets on my nerves, especially in L.A. where the biggest form of bragging is name dropping. That, and trying to impress with material possessions. I work hard so I don’t need your money or your connections. That’s not the way to impress me.

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6. What’s your personal opinion on ‘bad boys’? Love ’em or hate ’em?

*Sighs* To be honest, I love bad boys! I don’t think of bad boys as “break your heart and ignore you” types. When I think of bad boys, I think of guys who don’t mind taking a little risk and adventure, which is sexy. Dull guys or boring guys don’t do it for me.

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7. What is the most genuine compliment you’ve ever received from a date?

The best compliment I ever received was about how great I’m working at my career and how hard I work. Yeah, guys tell me I’m beautiful, but when they notice my independence and hustle, I can tell they’re really getting to know the real me. It’s actually pretty sexy when a guy knows how to compliment a woman the right way.

8. The Girlfriend Activation System talks a lot about moving from a casual dating relationship to committed relationship. If you’re in a relationship now, how did your partner make that leap? (Or did you?) 

Well, I think the best way to move to a more serious relationship is to be straightforward. For my relationship, it worked through a lot of communication. I wanted more, so I just said I wanted a serious relationship, and if that was what he wanted then let’s move forward, but if not, then at least I know. Making that move is definitely all about communication and being honest with your feelings.

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9. What is the number one deal breaker for you in a relationship?

Lying. The moment you lie to me you’re out. No second chances.

10. What is the one piece of advice you’d give to single men out there who are looking for a gorgeous and talented woman like yourself?

Work hard so you have your sh*t together like your career, finances, and goals. Not because it’ll help you attract women, but because it’s important and sexy when a man has his career together and goals. When you have it all together, you prepare yourself for an amazing woman who has her life together. 

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