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Believe It Or Not, Your Workout Regimen May Be Ruining Your Sex Life

Believe It Or Not, Your Workout Regimen May Be Ruining Your Sex Life

BY Staff

Believe It Or Not, Your Workout Regimen May Be Ruining Your Sex Life

When we have any issues in our daily lives, whether it’s lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of energy, a common suggestion we’ve all heard is, “go to the gym”.
There are studies from virtually every corner of the fields of science, nutrition, and exercise that tell us that the gym is a virtual fix-all to the problems that plague the 21st century man.
It can be hard to maintain a steady gym routine with all of the distractions in our lives, but exercise really is so important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physical and mental.
So now, when a study at the University of North Carolina tells us that going to the gym… diminishes our sex drive, what exactly are we supposed to do with that information?
Well, we need to look beyond the headline and at the raw data of the study itself.
The study examined over a thousand guys who did some sort of exercise (walking, running, swimming, biking, etc.) and tested their libidos.
What the authors of the study found was not that exercise itself was screwing with the test subjects’ libido, but that the amount of exercise directly correlates to a person’s sex drive.
That is to say, if you’re exercising at a notably high rate, basically chronic training for hours every day for multiple years, you’re sex drive is going to be way less than the guy who trains at a lower rate.
What can we draw from this?
Well, this doesn’t exactly come as a real surprise. After a long, arduous workout the only thing thing on our minds is an ice pack and a cold beer.
What this study does reveal, however, is that if you work out extensively and you have found that your sex life isn’t exactly as fruitful as you want it to be, it may be time to take the foot off the pedal at the gym.
A healthy, well-rounded work out routine, in which you give your body time to recover, will increase testosterone and have you leading the sex life you want.
So get out there and find an ideal balance between the bench press and your partner, it’s all about those happy mediums.

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