Read Her Mind: 5 Things Your Girl Really Wants On Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day: a day when, traditionally speaking, men go out of their way to make their girlfriends feel extra special and show their devotion to her and the relationship.
Growing up I always loved this holiday, not because I always had a boyfriend, but as a child the holiday meant lots of candy in class and those cute little folded cards that said “Love you!” from all of your friends and classmates.
Also, for me growing up my father would have big bouquets of flowers waiting in the kitchen when I came down for breakfast in the morning.
Every year I always had a Valentine, it was my Dad! I didn’t need another.
However, today things are obviously quite different. The period leading up to Valentine’s Day starts as winter approaches, you know cuffin’ season.
In my opinion I think that the man in the relationship should show affection on every other day of the year and not just this one. But it is always nice to go a little EXTRA.
So I’ve asked around to some gal-pals that have been in relationships, from one year to married what they want for V-day and this is what I found out. Take notes boys!
Although they are an old (dare I say cliche) classic, every girl still wants a dozen of these for V-day.
As roses become wildly expensive on this fateful day, try buying your girl’s flowers a day early and put them in the freezer.
If roses are for some reason forbidden by your girl (she does not like them because she think they’re basic), you better do some investigating to figure out what her favorite flower is.
A tip from the wise Charlotte York on Sex in The City, NEVER get carnations! Those are “filler flowers.”
You plan the date!
As long as you have made a reservation somewhere, or gotten tickets to something, or just generally figured out what the two of you will do for the evening, you’re golden!
No girl wants to worry about her romantic endeavor for the night because she knows that everything will be booked at least a week in advance. SO hopefully you went out of your way to figure something out in advance.
If NOT I hope your skills in the kitchen will suffice. You can cook her favorite dish and throw in a few gifts like chocolate covered strawberries to make staying in sweeter.
Keep in mind some girls want to get dolled up, hit the town, and show off their man! It’s always nice to share experiences with your girl because those are the memories you look back on.
Homemade Gifts
This can be anything from breakfast in bed to a cool mixtape you put together for her. If you are musical maybe you can even write a song about your girlfriend and sing it to her.
If you are a kinky couple come up with a magic mike routine for the end of the night. You could make a cute coupon book so she can collect hugs and kisses whenever (they also sell these at Spencer’s).
You could also write her a poem or make her a list of everything you like about her. Make a collage of pictures of the two of you. Buy her candy and or a small stuffed animal.
Bottom line is you can’t go wrong here because it shows your creativity; she gets to see how you feel about her and the relationship through your eyes.
We know guys have trouble being expressive sometimes, but it is always okay to get help from other women in your life to come through on this creative endeavor.
This is definitely for the more serious and long-term relationships.
There are many different avenues to take here but if you know that you do not have the best taste in this department I highly suggest you consult your mother, sister, or best girl friend for advice on the topic.
Whoever you ask make sure they know your girlfriend’s style. A good place to start would be Henri Bendel, Lord & Taylor’s, and Bloomingdale’s for either costume or more high-end.
On the lower end there is a popular brand called Alex and Ani, known for their bracelets where you can add charms to customize to your girl.
Going higher in the market could mean Tiffany’s or even some David Yurman! If you want to be safe you can bring your girlfriend to the store to pick it out herself.
I know it doesn’t sound ideal but when you are dropping $$$ you better be right on. After all, it worked in Sweet Home Alabama.
Guys, what your girl really wants is your attention and affection (maybe some extra sexy time) .
Romancing is nice but your love and affection is what she craves day in and day out. Make sure she knows you only have eyes for her and you should be golden.
Also the pressure is off (and hats off) to the guys who make every day of their relationship as special as Valentine’s Day. You picked a winner (and evidently so did she) so make sure she is always reminded of that!

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