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The Rock Shows Keys To His Success, And Physique In Workout Video

The Rock Shows Keys To His Success, And Physique In Workout Video

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is one of the most infamously jacked dudes on the face of the planet.
While that may sound like gross hyperbole, think about it for a second, who else can you name off the top of your head that’s known basically for being an example of the pinnacle of strength?
And that’s not to take anything away from The Rock. He’s not known for simply having muscles.
The Rock is one of our favorite all time wrestlers and has now carved out a nice little niche in Hollywood, he’s a pretty solid actor and all around great dude.
But what does it take to maintain The Rock’s shredded physique?
Well, firstly attitude. You’ll notice in “The Rock’s Ultimate Workout” video the first thing you hear is a brief soliloquy by Johnson about three pillars he seems to live by.

“Blood, sweat, and respect. The first two you give, the last one you earn, let’s get out and earn it. Daily.”

As to the content of the video, and workout, itself, The Rock does some absolutely ridiculous sh*t in this 4-minute compilation.
Starting out with the always-crucial core work, Johnson begins simply enough with leg raises, planks, and stretching out his shoulders with resistance band work.
Then it’s time for the cable machine, which The Rock beasts in classic Rock fashion and any interested gym-goer might think to themselves, “hmm, that seems like a really solid workout.”
But this is only the beginning.
The Rock goes on to multiple machines, dumbbells, he’s got a huge frickin’ chain draped over his shoulders at one point, it’s totally ridiculous.
This is all to say that The Rock has gotten to the place that he is in life, a wildly successful, universally well-liked, multi-multi-millionaire mainstream star, by getting after all of his goals with the drive of this workout.
If you can adopt just a fraction of The Rock’s drive into your life, you’ll be successful.

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