The Rock Shares Epic Story About His Father After Buying Him A New Car
We all know by now the secret of Santa Claus right?
Yes, he’s not real, that’s right. At least that’s what we thought when we grew past the age of innocence.
But for Rocky Johnson, Santa Claus is very real and he comes in the form of his superstar son Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
The Rock, everyone’s favorite superstar wrestler, who had his start in the eccentric, and crazy golden years of wrestling in the 90s.
He was arguably the most popular wrestler of his time, taking on legends like Stone Cold, Triple H, and The Dirty Sock Bandit, Mcfoley.
But it’s not what The Rock did in the ring that makes him a legend, it’s what he did outside of the ring.
This past Christmas, Dwayne gifted his dad a new truck, and hit us all in the feels with the caption he added to it.
“Bought my dad a Christmas gift and surprised him. He’s had a hard life. This one felt good. My dad, Rocky Johnson, is a minimalist. Always has been. Never asks me for much and over the years his needs are always the barest.”
The Rock then proceeded to tell the story of how his dad became homeless at the age of 13, fighting and working his way to the person and the position that he is in currently.
In the long Instagram post he said:
Bought my dad a Christmas gift and surprised him. He’s had a hard life. This one felt good.
My dad, Rocky Johnson is a minimalist. Always has been. Never asks me for much and over the years his needs are always the barest. Crazy story, my dad’s dad died when he was 13yrs old.
That Christmas, my dad’s mom had her new boyfriend over for Christmas dinner. Her boyfriend got drunk and pissed on the turkey.
My dad went outside, got a shovel, drew a line in the snow and said if you cross that line I’ll kill you. The drunk crossed it and my dad laid him out cold as a block of ice.
Cops were called. They told my dad’s mom that when her boyfriend regains consciousness, he’s gonna kill your son so one of them has got to go. In front of the entire family, my dad’s mom looked at him and said get out.
He was 13yrs old and now homeless. That f*cked up true story happened in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1954. He needed the bare minimum then, just like does now.
Over the years, I’ve moved him into a big home, got him trucks to drive – which he’ll literally drive into the ground until I get him something else. Hell, I’ll get him anything he wants, but the SOB just won’t ask;).
Every Christmas, I always think about that story and my dad having every odd stacked against him at 13, but he fought thru it and still made something of himself.
Makes me appreciate his struggle and hard work. Also, makes me appreciate the fun times he would beat my ass in the gym so bad when I was 13 and say
“If you’re gonna throw up, go outside.. and if you’re gonna cry, then go home to your mother”.
I hated it then, but I embrace it now. Made a man outta me. Without pissing on my turkey. ???. Just a small way of saying thank you dad and Merry Christmas! #DwantaClaus??
At the end of the post Johnson credits his father for being the sole reason for his hard work and dedication.
And it has definitely paid off!
The rock was named by Forbes as the highest paid actor 2016, beating out former leader Robert Downey Jr. at $64.5 million.

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