All posts tagged "technology"
New Military Night Vision Cameras Give Provides Color Technology (Video)
April 13, 2017Night vision cameras are a vital part of any security operation, no matter what the task...
Levi’s And Google Create First ‘Smart Jacket’ With Computer In Sleeve
March 14, 2017As technology becomes more and more advanced, companies seek to establish total connectivity between their devices. You...
Elon Musk Says New Tesla Update Coming In ’10 Or So Days’
March 13, 2017Elon Musk, one of the most revolutionary minds in the technology and innovation world, claimed on...
New Alexa Door Lock API Will Make Securing Your Home Seamless
March 1, 2017If you’ve seen any of these Amazon Alexa speaker systems, you know they’re pretty damn cool. It’s...
SpaceX Planning To Send Two Passengers Around Moon By 2018
February 28, 2017Space travel has long been an obsession of humans in the age of technology and science....
Studies Show Smartphone Addiction Is Worse For You Than You Think
February 27, 2017As humans, we’re bad at rationalizing; especially when it’s something in conflict with what we want....
BlackBerry Brings Back The Keyboard With New Release Of KeyOne
February 27, 2017Remember ten or so years ago when everyone and their mama had a BlackBerry? And remember how...
Artificial Intelligence Can Now Defeat Top Poker Players In The World
January 31, 2017The dawn of the 21st century has allowed humanity to achieve what was previously thought of...