Science Shows Why It’s Good For Dads To Help Around The House
It’s not that men don’t like helping out around the house, it’s just that, in our heads, there are much more pertinent things to take care of.
Whatever the reason, women somehow became the ruler of all things domestic, alleviating men of responsibilities, which indirectly has lasting effects on children.
According to a 2014 study in Psychological Science, a father’s participation in domestic duties has an effect on the aspirations of their children.
The study looked at 325 students from ages 7-13 and found that daughters of parents with shared household chores was more likely to tell researchers that they want to be an accountant, doctor, or a lawyer.
While daughters of the fathers who enforced gender conforming principals to things like chores told researchers that they wanted to be a teachers, stay at home moms, or some other woman-dominant job.
This study sheds some insight on what children see and can be proof that moms and dads who equally divide the chores around the house can raise children who are less likely to seek gender-stereotypical jobs.
I think as information like this becomes more accessible and we progress as a society, traditional norms like moms cooking, setting the table, and dad staying out all day working is going to flip — or look completely different.
Who says families of the future won’t consist of both mom and dad staying home or even cooking together?
It’s almost impossible to wrap one’s mind around how much our systematic traditions influence the generations behind us.
I’m sure it wasn’t the intention of the families who split chores up along gender lines to steer their daughters into stereotypical job titles, but it’s these subtle nuances that transform into patterns over time.
Because we can’t keep track over every little thing we do that may or may not be affecting the ones observing us, it’s best to have open minded practices and to live life in a way that you would want others to follow.
You should cook, set the table and serve everyone every once and a while. Or get your hands deep in the sink and scrub some dishes.
Whether you have kids or not, being comfortable in the more domestic chores goes a long way.

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