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Scientists Believe There Will Be A Real Cure For Hangovers By 2050

Scientists Believe There Will Be A Real Cure For Hangovers By 2050

BY Staff

Scientists Believe There Will Be A Real Cure For Hangovers By 2050

You ever question or put a limit on the level of turn-up you’re going to have before heading out at night?
Yeah, hangovers are an unfortunate responsibility to account for when all you want to do is wild out. And while there are many home remedies that claim to get you in tip-top shape, there is not one direct and efficient enough. At least not yet.
Psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt sees a world where instant hangover cures are possible and he sees it in our near future.
Since 2014, Nutt has been working on a synthetic alcohol that one can drink with none of the consequences called “alcosynths.”
He’s so confident in this compound, he’s patented some 90 potential compounds, and believes hangovers can be eliminated by 2050.
Now, before you start praising Nutt, or even accusing him of just being a shameless promoter of self-destruction, as he tells Mel magazine, he and his team also claim their booze comes without the side effects associated with drinking, like stomach issues, increased aggression, balancing problems, weight gain, and — most important — addiction.
So what’s so good about alcosynths, you ask?
They have no calories, your drunkenness eventually plateaus — so your fourth drink won’t be any different from your eighth — and the new compound has no real side effects. Nutt says don’t worry: they’ve been tested on alcohol-industry veterans who were unable to tell the new products apart from the real thing (aside from the lack of negative effects).
Alcohol is just the first frontier for Nutt. He thinks alcosynths could be used to create cocktails that produce specific moods.
If your mind is not blown yet, just imagine having liquid courage every night of the week and not hating your life afterwards.
It will be interesting to track the development of this substance.

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