Male Birth Control Study Is Stopped, Guys Too Scared Of Side Effects
Turns out male birth control exists in many different forms but guys just cannot handle the side effects.
A study conducted by The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism on the efficacy of a birth control shot for men found that despite a 96% success rate in preventing pregnancy, men were incredibly disturbed by side effects.
Of 266 men tested, with their partners, only 4 pregnancies resulted from the group, but the study actually had to be halted and concluded early after twenty couples dropped out of the trial.
This is only notable because birth control by its very definition is going to have some intense effects on the human body. Birth control effects hormones and the endocrine system, which controls the secretions of your body.
Suppressing or changing this system will have effects on mood and perhaps sensitivity in certain glandular areas. Elizabeth Lloyd, a biology professor at Indiana University who was not part of the study told CNN:
Twenty percent or 30% of the women who take oral birth control pills experience depression and have to take medication for it. So the difference just struck me. They terminated this study once it showed 3% depression for the men
It is unclear why men are perhaps more sensitive to these possible psychological side effects besides just that basically we can’t deal with mood swings, especially when comparing the rates of side effects in these studies compared to women who take birth control daily.
If men really want to have a safe solution to birth control, we’re going to have to figure out how to deal with some of the side effects.

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