She’s Playing With You: New Study Suggests PDA Is Just Performance
Have you ever been somewhere with your girl and had her go in for a spontaneous kiss or unwarranted PDA? You probably were feeling yourself afterward, huh?
Thinking, maybe it was the new haircut that you got or the extra hours you put into the gym. Maybe that kiss wasn’t as spontaneous as you once thought it was.
According to a study done by The Journal Of Sex Research, more often than not, it wasn’t. This new study says that most people make out to put on a show for others.
I remember seeing this girl a few years ago, she was a PDA person, not in the kissing everywhere we went annoying, young-love kind of way but more of holding hands and affectionate type of way.
I’ve never been much of a PDA person myself. Anyway, we were out one night and stopped by the mall to pick something up. When we got to the register girl went wild.
As the ladies behind the register were ringing me up, her affection grew exponentially. Kissing, touching, the whole nine yards.
Of course, I was confused as she had never been all over me like that before. At the end of the night, when we got back home she admitted the reason for her sexual aggressiveness.
Apparently, the girls behind the register we’re eyeing me, and with some type of feminine sixth sense, she picked up on it. In order to let them know we were seeing each other, she bumped up the PDA.
This isn’t a strange case either.
Researchers asked more than 300 college students to speak on their PDA habits, surprisingly 33 percent of students admitted to “performative making out”
A majority of the men in the study admitted that they did it to boost their look and to make themselves look good in front of their competition.
Others said making out was about proving their relationship status and ensuring everyone else knows that their girlfriend is “off limits.”
For a smaller percentage of men, it was about “cementing the start of a new relationship.”
On the other hand, women in the study said that they made out with men to make others jealous or to make themselves seem sexually adventurous.
Does this change your perspective of PDA? Are any of you into the public affection? Let us know below.

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