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Multiple Studies Show Watching Too Much Porn Is Ruining Your Sex Life

Multiple Studies Show Watching Too Much Porn Is Ruining Your Sex Life

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Multiple Studies Show Watching Too Much Porn Is Ruining Your Sex Life

It’s no secret that aside from sports and Worldstar Vine compilations, porn is easily the most consumed form of media by men worldwide.
Next to social media, across different regions, you’ll see some form of a pornographic website within the top 100 frequented websites. However, like any vice increased frequency of masturbation has detrimental effects towards men being receptive to pleasure and can actually destroy a normal sex life.
In a conversation with The Independent, a UK news publication, Dr. Andrew Smiler, masculinity expert, noted that the frequency of young men with access to porn are actively sabotaging their ability to facilitate erections, commenting,

“So if I’m masturbating to porn once a day for 15 minutes but I do that every day for five years, I’m pretty well on my way to being an expert to having an orgasm to porn.”

Ian Kerner, sex therapist and founder of Good In Bed, coined this lack of sexual stimulation due to oversaturation of pornography as “Sexual Attention Deficit Disorder” (SADD). Kerner states that,

“They may be physiologically aroused and erect, but they’re not at peak mental arousal. Guys with SADD may also simply lack the mojo for real sex because they’re depleted from masturbation.”

Further linking this physical to mental arousal, Kerner notes that men are unable to be present in the moment during sex because of their mental affiliation with a nonexistent idea formed through pornography.
Carlo Foresta, lead scientist of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine had conducted a similar study on 28,000 Italian men over the age of 14 and concluded,

“It starts with lower reactions to porn sites, then there is a general drop in libido and in the end it becomes impossible to get an erection”.

However Nicole Prause PhD, conducted a study trying to identify the nature of desensitization and concluded that it is less to do with the physiological response of erectile dysfunction but rather the sexual responsiveness of men.
Either way maybe lay off the porn and give your girl some good pipe game before she finds someone with better stroke action.

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