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10 Apps Every Guy Should Download ASAP

10 Apps Every Guy Should Download ASAP

BY Staff

10 Apps Every Guy Should Download ASAP

Team Stream

Full disclosure: I spent several years writing for Bleacher Report, creators of Team Stream. But I still use the app and vouch for it without hesitation. It may well be the easiest and most user-friendly way to keep up with each of your favorite teams, college or pro.
Team Stream brings you the latest news, scores and opinion on those teams, making it easier than ever to check on the sports info that matters most to you. Best yet, the articles aren’t just Bleacher Report’s. This app curates team-specific news and opinion from around the web—from ESPN to your local beat writers.
Whether you’re a diehard sports enthusiast or casual fan, you’ll find this app a useful way to start your day.
Download here:


Manly men, hear this! If you find yourself feeling a bit insecure about your grilling acumen, there’s a solution that can change all that. GrillTime is a one-stop shop for any occasion that involves firing up some charcoal and preparing oh-so delicious meat.
Per the app’s website, “Grilling times, temperatures, and instructions are automatically calculated based on the size and desired doneness of your food.”
The app even boasts multiple timers and reminders for when it’s time to flip your soon-to-be meal. This is the essence of grilling made simple, saving you the time of researching each grilled item online. It’s available for iPhone and even the Apple Watch.
Download here:


No matter who you are, keeping your life (and ideas) organized is a virtue. Evernote is one of those applications that slows time in an ever more fast-paced world, allowing you to keep track of just about anything. The app has quickly become something of a classic, and it’s certainly a worthwhile upgrade to the basic Notes app users find on their iPhones or iPads.
Some of the especially nifty features include the ability to include article clippings, handwritten notes and photos—allowing you to really combine everything you need in one space. Whether you need a tool to keep you focused on large projects or simply want to keep your day-to-day life in order, Evernote is just about as useful as it gets.
Nothing about this app is limited to guys alone, but it’s worth including on just about any list of must-have apps.
Download here:


Gilt is guilt-free shopping, but you wouldn’t know it from the outfits themselves. These clothing options come from top designers. They just so happen to be bargain-priced by comparison.
Gilt offers sections for women, too—even for babies and kids. But any fashion-conscious guy should regularly check out the men’s section. In addition to be simple, elegant and user-friendly, Gilt also gives you access to all kinds of sales, making it one of the better fashion tools for those of us on somewhat of a budget.
Download here:


It’s never too late to become an avid world traveler—at least until it is. Most of us carry ever-changing bucket lists around in our heads, eventually forgetting all the things we’ve wanted to do at some point in our lives. Wouldn’t it be nice to keep track of all those must-do trips and must-see sights? Now you can.
Better yet, BucketListly allows you to share your adventures (photos, journal entries and all) online via social media. The idea here is to create a community of users who can inspire one another and virtually join together in a collective pursuit of lifelong endeavors.
As if you don’t already have enough incentive to follow your dreams, BucketListly also offers badges and levels associated with your achieving the goals you set for yourself. Having fun just got a little funner.
Download here:

Cocktails Made Easy

Another strong recommendation of Business Insider is Cocktails Made Easy. Why hire a bartender when you can make yourself the life of the party? The Cocktails Made Easy app has been around for a while, but it’s still going strong. It offers over 500 different cocktail recipes and provides easy-to-follow instructions.
It also shows you all the ingredients you’ll need up front, making for easy shopping or allowing you to make the most of whatever liquors and mixers you happen to have on hand. To that end, you can also search for recipes either by name or ingredient(s).
Finally, you can create a list of favorites for easy repeat usage.
Download here: iTunes


Interior design isn’t a particularly gendered task. Often it’s something couples embark upon together. At minimum, however, most guys should at least be conversant in such things. You’re going to have to live there, after all.
That’s where the Houzz app comes into play. It enables you to do three things primarily: Get design ideas by browsing high-quality photographs, search for home professionals and shop for curated products. Put simply, this is an ideal starting place for any renovation or decoration project.
Download here:

7 Minute Workout

Finding time to workout isn’t easy, especially without a personal trainer pushing you to set that time aside. For the busy among us, the 7 Minute Workout app—developed by Wahoo Fitness—has just about everything you need to make exercise part of your daily routine.
This voice-prompted app gives you video descriptions of each exercise routine and times you during those routines. It can almost certainly save you from investing in pricier workout videos that aren’t nearly as interactive. You can also upgrade your service in order to have increased discretion over the routines themselves.
There may be more intricate workout apps on the market, but this one is perfect for those of us who, ya know, have a few other things going on. Make time for this app. Your body will thank you.
Download here: iTunes

Cool Guy

We’re listing one more fashion app, because—well—guys should be fashionable. This one is the male counterpart to Stylish Girl, and it’s particularly helpful thanks to the ability to create outfits from different pieces of clothing you find.
Per the website, “It’s also your virtual closet, fashion newsstand, on-line shopping portal, a bag packer for that vacation trip, and your outfit album.”
In short, it’s just about everything you’ll need to look good whenever you go out.
Download here:

Men’s Hairstyles

Ever wanted to know how you’d look with a different hairstyle? The Men’s Hairstyles app makes it easy. All you have to do is upload a photo of yourself and try out different styles—before you actually try out a different style.
It’s a nice way to avoid serious hair mistakes that take weeks to fix. You can also use the app to give your stylist a better sense of what you’re looking for. This is a must for any guy who takes his quaff seriously.
Download here: iTunes



Have you tried any of these? What’d you think?
What other must have apps did we forget?

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