The Ultimate Guide to Adulting
Most millennials identify with this meme.
Chances are you know the Pythagorean Theorem, but have no idea how many withholding allowances to claim on your W-4. THANKS HIGH SCHOOL.
We’re here to help you get your shit together. Or point you in the right direction at least. Here are all the basics you need to survive in the adult world.
Bookmark this page for future reference.
Shout out to Thought Catalogue and Tumblr for the inspiration.
- How Do I Set a Budget I Can Stick To?
- Why do I need an emergency fund, and how do I create one?
- What the hell is personal net worth and how do I calculate mine?
- How can I create an awesome credit score?
- How do I balance my checkbook?
- How do stocks work, and should I invest?
- How do I file my taxes?
- I can’t pay my bills this month, what do I do?
- When to tip in the US and how much?
- How do I choose my health insurance plan?
- I don’t have much time. Is there a 5-minute work out I can do?
- I’m done eating ramen. How can I make better eating choices?
- How can I cure my insomnia?
- What documents do I need to take with me to doctor’s appointments?
- Should I try acupuncture?
- How can I avoid hangovers? (They suck!)
- When should I go to the hospital?
- Find an online therapist
- Mental Health Youtubers: depression, anxiety, OCD, autism, PTSD
- How can I write a killer resume?
- When do I need a cover letter and how do I write one?
- I have an interview, what should I do?
- What should I wear to my interview?
- I’m terrible with time management, any tips?
- How can I get along with co-workers I can’t stand?
- I’m awful at procrastinating, please help!
- How do I ask for a raise?
- First apartment checklist
- Ultimate Grocery list
- Easy ways to decorate your place
- Laundry basics, tips & tricks
- Why do my houseplants keep dying?
- What the hell is a mortgage?
- I don’t know my way around the kitchen; please teach me some basic cooking techniques!
- What can I do to keep a clean house?
- What can I do to fake a clean house when people are coming RIGHT NOW?
- What is home owner’s insurance, and what do I need to know about it?
- Do I really need renter’s insurance?
- How can I efficiently pack my suitcase?
- How do I apply for a passport?
- How do I create a budget?
- What are the best travel accessories out there?
- I want to learn a new language, where should I start?
- Where do I start if I want to create a travel blog?
- I want the perfect Instagram pictures when I travel. Give me tips!
- I’m dating again after a LTR, what do I do?
- I’m broke, so where should I take her on our first date?
- How can I resolve a fight with my girlfriend?
- How can I improve our sex life?
- Are we ready to get serious?
- Is she the one?
- How do I move on after a bad break up?
- I’m ready to do online dating – which platform is right for me?
- Should I give my ex another shot?
- How can I make new friends?
- Should I keep a bad friendship?
- My friend is grieving, what do I do or say?
- I’m ready to be the life of the party. What do I need to know?
- I just moved to a new city and haven’t made any friends, what am I doing wrong?
- My friend is having a party, but I’m an introvert. Help!
- Why is my girlfriend flirty with my best friend?
Personal Development
- How do I learn to accept defeat?
- How can I stop being a pushover?
- How can I project confidence?
- How can I escape my imposter syndrome?
- I want to change my life, teach me, O Wise One!
Everything Else

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